
special adviser to the secretary-general on public policy معنى

  • المستشار الخاص للأمين العام لشؤون السياسة العامة
  • special    adj. متميز, خاص, خ ...
  • special adviser    مستشار خاص
  • adviser    n. مستشار, الناصح, ...
  • to    prep. إلى, حتى, ل, ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • secretary-general    رئيس; مدير
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • public    adj. شعبي, عام, شه ...
  • public policy    السياسات العامة
  • policy    n. حكمة, سياسة, ال ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. special adviser to the personal envoy of the secretary-general معنى
  2. special adviser to the registrar on external relations معنى
  3. special adviser to the secretary-general on africa معنى
  4. special adviser to the secretary-general on issues related to inter-agency matters and development معنى
  5. special adviser to the secretary-general on matters relating to the prevention and resolution of conflicts معنى
  6. special adviser to the secretary-general on reform معنى
  7. special adviser to the secretary-general on sport for development and peace معنى
  8. special adviser to the secretary-general on the millennium development goals معنى
  9. special adviser to the under-secretary-general معنى
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